This is in Huentelauquen |
This photo was took for my sister, one day in Huentelauquen - a place when we have (all my father's family) a house- when we go in vacation, the most time. Huentelauquen is a place in the north of Chile, close of Los Vilos, in the IV region. Here had desert and beach, all together are a place amazing . Here we were walk for the beach, we went to a dune. Was took one or two year back, I don't remember what day was, but we are when my mother's family and my father's grandfather and father's uncle. I like 'cause is my family, and we look happy and funny, although have our differences. And always we took at photo that this, in different places, in differents situations. One is this, other is when we went to Valparaiso, other is when went to a march for education.
I don't who more say, like that I say what I see in this moments, I see a movie "Green Lantern". I like superheroes and this movies. My superheroe favorite is Flash Gordon.
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